Beers And Pubs





Jay's Toilet Reviews

Home Page

This is a site devoted to Beer and the Pubs they are served in. It aims to provide information about what pubs we drink at and why. As well as what beers we drink and why. It also contains our grumbles and complaints about the world of beer, from the fact that CAMRA keep letting us down with their heritage pubs (the pub that is on the back page of BEER every month), to our disdain for Greene King.

Don't get us wrong, we love CAMRA, and we are both fully paid up members, who visit as many beer festivals as possible, it's just that some of their heritage pub issues decisions are a bit iffy.

We realise that we wont ever be able to produce a comprehensive list and that we are limiting the possibilites by insisting on doing the reviews ourselves but to be honest we don't trust anybody else's opinion. This database was originally not intended to be public but merely a way for the two of us to keep a record of our drinking experiences, so we knew where and what we should drink again.

We will mostly be concentrating on stout and ale. Especially stout, as this is our festival drink of choice. Though due to many indiscretions in our youth, we have a large amount of lager. We also have a wide range Cider and Perry reviews, and our other section covers wheat and fruit beers and anything else we drink.

All pictures that appear on this site were taken by ourselves. That is a bad picture of us taken outside the Britons Protection in Manchester. Maj is on the left, James is on the right. Maj is the angry one who does most of the work and swears a lot, also he doesn't like Greene King. James is the one who set up this site.


Page last modified on June 07, 2007, at 10:14 AM